Purpose: Populate next:land!
  • Ecosystem Partner Relais

    für Monika


    A lively and mutually beneficial relationship between dG and ecosystem partners


    • Scheduling regular talks (at least once a year) w/ respective ecosystem partner to evaluate relation and potential
    • Acting as Rep link for respective ecosystem partner, for tensions concerning the partnership
    • Granting discounts for a specific public training to respective ecosystem partner after integrating feedback of @Pricing Strategy and the role organizing the event
    • Processing tensions of dG as an organization with the respective partner
    • Inviting and removing respective partner to and from relevant slack channels as determined in ecosystem partnership
    • Pitching relevant roles to publish and remove a website profile of ecosystem partner when beneficial to client projects
    • Inviting and removing ecosystem partner to and from relevant staff folders on g-drive
    • Deciding about when to start and end an ecosystem partnership
    • Pitching relevant role to provide a dG email address if beneficial to client projects
  • Engagement Lead

    für specific projects


    Awesome management and coordination of consulting projects


    • Contacting current leads (=potential clients) on request by @Staffing Sparring and updating status of lead in the "client-request-list"
    • Publishing client requests on Slack to allow for challenging by @Do or Die
    • Developing cutting-edge proposals (incl. pricing in accordance with @Pricing Strategy  upon request of a customer.
    • Selecting suitable @Evolutionary Catalyst or Project Partners for client projects after integrating feedback of @Staffing Sparring
    • Deciding the staffing of specific workshops within the project, based on transparent decision criteria
    • Contracting with the clients on an ongoing basis to align expectations & logistics and adjust agreements as engagement needs evolve, saving related documents/emails @projects
    • Forecasting needed consulting resources and sharing relevant information with all @Evolutionary Catalyst or external Catalysts "Project Partners" involved in the project - prior to project launch and throughout project
    • Scheduling and facilitating regular staff meetings 1) for mutual updating of project-relevant information in the particular project staff and 2) for developing/improving the quality of the consulting strategy/work in a particular consulting project 3) for learning purposes & know-how transfer
    • Storing relevant project documents and emails directly on dG Google drive preferably in Google-doc format under the respective project folder
    • Providing relevant odoo data to @Project Backbone (Accounts, Projects, Sales Order Information)
    • Setting up initial project and governance structure
    • Acting as by default @Ecosystem Partner Relais for Project Partners invited into projects for the first time.
    • Informing @Ecosystem Partner Relais Shepherd about new Project Partners and add relevant data to the project partner list.
    • Adding and updating opportunities in Odoo Pre-Sales Module, creating MVP-Sales Order(s) after proposal is confirmed by client
    • Making agreements regarding the daily rate with involved project partners - taking into account the current Ecosystem Partnership Framework - and integration of feedback from @Pricing Strategy, if required and updating the agreed daily rate in the CFC metrics sheet ("billable days") per each month
    • Scheduling and facilitating regular retrospectives to work better together within the staff and reflect on the staff and its dynamics
    • Creating learning opportunities within the client work for existing and potential staff members (e.g. with less experience and learning objectives in that field)
  • Evolutionary Catalyst

    für specific projects


    Cutting - edge consultancy services with impact for the client system


    • supporting the @Engagement Lead in developing client-related documents e.g. crafting offers, proposals, design, photo protocol etc.
    • making all client related documents (e.g. offers, proposals, design, photo protocol etc.) accessible and findable using project structure on the dG Google Drive provided by @Project Backbone
    • providing and facilitating excellent consultancy services
    • reflecting regulary the quality of delivery and the relationship with clients through peer to peer reviews inside dG and/or external coaching
    • building relationships with potential clients to acquire new project opportunities that fit to dGs purpose
    • leveraging contacts for dG initiatives
    • providing expert knowledge about consulting practices to the organization in interviews with @Creator and by regularly updating and feedbacking confluence pages
  • Project Backbone

    für specific projects


    sustainable and efficient project administration


    • Updating Odoo according to guidelines published by @Quarterback with all project relevant information (i.e. creating SO for the upcoming three months, accounts, projects, workshops, etc) for confirmed projects until the 10th of every month
    • Providing project structure on the dG Google Drive under the corresponding folder and instructing involved roles and project partners to make all project related documents (e.g. offers, proposals, design, Photo protocol etc.) accessible and findable there
    • By end of month latest: Providing Sales Order number (SO number) and terms of business like daily rate (as agreed by @Engagement Lead ) or travel cost to involved roles and project partners
    • Checking and forwarding incoming invoices and expenses of external partners (project partners) to @Basic Financial Bee
    • Informing external partners about the expense process including deadlines and reminding them about the deadlines
    • Sending invoices to clients
    • Checking and validating information in Odoo before an invoice is created (e.g. timesheets if entered)
    • Reminding clients to pay outstanding invoices after checking invoices list provided by @Controller (after coordinating with @Account Orchestrating and @Engagement Lead if applicable)
    • Triggering @Controller to send a formal dunning letter to client if necessary
  • Secretary


    Betreuung und Stabilisierung der formalen Aufzeichnungen des Kreises und des Protokoll-Prozesses.


    • Alle Governance-Aufzeichnungen des Kreises


    • Reminding circle members to complete metrics before a tactical meeting
    • Tactical-Meetings für den Kreis planen
    • Tactical Meeting Ergebnisse festlegen und veröffentlichen
    • Governance-Meetings für den Kreis planen
    • Erfassen und Veröffentlichen der Ergebnisse des Governance-Prozesses des Kreises
    • Interpretieren von Governance und Verfassung auf Anfrage
Purpose: Transformative trainings that transmit Holacracy and dG's approach towards structured organisational frameworks and catalyze the capacities it requires.
  • Holacracy & beyond developer


    dG has a state-of-the-art organizing system on the market


    • Es sind keine Accountabilities für diese Rolle definiert.
  • Holacracy Training & Workshop Design

    für PT 5.0


    Enable deep Holacracy transmission through awesome training and workshop programs and materials


    • Designing and evolving packaged training and workshop offerings that develop the capacities required to introduce, practice, and coach Holacracy effectively
    • Defining and evolving training and workshop environment, room setup, and logistical needs for each training offering
    • Designing outlines and high-level specs for slides, simulations, and other support materials needed for training and intro offerings
    • Maintaining a list of training and intro materials needed, including links to current versions and anticipated update timeline
    • Defining and publishing a definitive source of pre-requisites for trainings
    • Triggering @Undefined_Role when updated materials are ready for production
    • Knowledge management and documentation system of holacracy training materials and documents
  • PT Facilitator Coach


    Holacracy practice role-modeled during trainings


    • Facilitating tactical and governance meetings at trainings
    • Coaching participants during facilitation practice at trainings
    • Setting up the room and collect all materials (when finished) at the direction of @Holacracy and beyond
    • Listening to modules during the training to prepare to facilitate
    • Following the direction of any training delivery roles to support the training, including promptly directing participants to the next activity when requested
    • Playing 'the world' during simulation work time at practitioner trainings by following the guidance documented by @Holacracy Training & Workshop Design
    • Participating in training staff reflection and debriefing sessions during the training
    • Contributing to improving the PT delivery by sharing ideas and pointing out mistakes in training materials (e.g. via a shared google document to gather improvements provided by @Undefined_Role )
  • PT Lead Coach

    für OPT Fall22


    Flawless performance of an awesome Facilitator Coach Team at PTs


    • Orienting coaches prior to the training (including sending any relevant preparation materials and answering coach questions) and guiding coaches during the training
    • Co-coaching when needed
    • Observing coaches in simulation and training sessions, capturing observations regarding competency level and need for further development.
    • Sharing comments and insights during modules and other activities to add value to participants' learning
    • Forwarding individual feedback from participants to the coaches after feedback survey is closed and published internally by @Holacracy and beyond
    • Sourcing and contracting suitable coaches for the different PT projects
    • Checking invoices sent by external @Facilitator_Coaches engaged for a PT project and triggering @General Company Circle to pay them, when correct
    • Maintaining a list of viable @PT Facilitator Coach candidates based on input from @PT Trainer and the NPS feedback on the performance of the individual @Facilitator_Coachs after a PT
    • Developing the Facilitator Compensation according to skill levels
  • Secretary


    Betreuung und Stabilisierung der formalen Aufzeichnungen des Kreises und des Protokoll-Prozesses.


    • Alle Governance-Aufzeichnungen des Kreises


    • Tactical-Meetings für den Kreis planen
    • Tactical Meeting Ergebnisse festlegen und veröffentlichen
    • Governance-Meetings für den Kreis planen
    • Erfassen und Veröffentlichen der Ergebnisse des Governance-Prozesses des Kreises
    • Interpretieren von Governance und Verfassung auf Anfrage
Purpose: Lean and legally compliant finance processes and partner relations
  • Rep Link


    Innerhalb des Super-Kreises übernimmt der Rep Link den Purpose des Sub-Kreises; innerhalb des Sub-Kreises ist der Purpose des Rep Links: Spannungen, die relevant für die Verarbeitung im Super-Kreis sind, zu kanalisieren und aufzulösen.


    • Spannungen verstehen, welche von Rollenführern innerhalb des Kreises vermittelt werden
    • Spannungen erkennen, die geeignet sind, innerhalb des Super-Kreises zu verarbeiten
    • Spannungen innerhalb des Super-Kreises verarbeiten, um die Einschränkungen des Kreises zu beseitigen
Purpose: Well energized and aligned Partners of the Organization and Members of the Association
  • Casework Coordinator

    für Gruppe D


    Casework groups are energized, focused and well aligned with the needs of its participants and dG


    • aligning the number of meetings per year and the specific dates with @focused collective attention
    • scheduling meetings for all existing casework groups including non-dG members
    • organizing hosts/facilitators for each session
    • organizing a suitable venue in case the Harbour studio 11 is not available
    • deciding on changes for casework group constellations after integrating perspectives of respective groups’ participants
    • inviting people to join casework group after integrating perspectives of respective groups’ participants
    • ensuring focus of the casework groups (Deepening the practice on systemic and next:land know-how)
    • sharing relevant learnings with all dG partners where needs be
  • Development Compass

    für Eva, Hanna


    A personal development journey for dG members


    • Delivering the on boarding process (based on a guideline by Mentoring Calibration) for new members to self-organize in the dG world quickly
    • Supporting a new member to channel and process tensions on request
    • Organizing monthly Checkpoints with members to reflect on the match of organizational and individual needs
    • Coaching the person in focus (pro-) actively with regards to possible, recommendable, desired personnel development activities including purpose fit, individual challenges, resource steering and learning opportunities
    • Supporting a member to dance the act of balance that is needed to stay healthy and fulfill organizational needs.
    • Providing professional leadership to @Evo Cats around professional consulting work
    • Harvesting feedback from relevant roles to collect organizational view for Checkpoints
    • Providing tasks to member in focus which are of relevance for realizing dG's purpose and supporting the partner's personal development.
  • Facilitator


    Kreis-Governance und operative Praktiken im Einklang mit der Verfassung


    • Die Tactical Meetings des Kreises moderieren
    • Den Governance Prozess des Kreises moderieren
    • Neuwahlen auslösen für die gewählten Rollen des Kreises, nach Ablauf jeder Wahlperiode
    • Überprüfen der Meetings und Aufzeichnungen der Sub-Kreise nach Bedarf und Erklären eines Prozessversagens, nachdem ein Verhaltensmuster erkannt wurde, das den Regeln der Verfassung widerspricht
  • Holacracy Competencies Steward


    dwarfs and Giants mastering the art of Holacracy practice in a brilliant manner


    • monitoring Holacracy competencies and relevant learning activities (e.g. annual continuing education requirement to maintain coach status), providing a clear overview for the whole organization
    • supporting partners in building up deep Holacracy knowledge and abilities
    • providing structure for jointly reflecting and harvesting of Holacracy knowledge, tensions harvesting, proposal crafting
    • organizing lessons learned sessions with @Holacracy Competencies Buddy to integrate feedback and learnings
  • Pulse Generator

    für Harbor Days, Overall Meeting Calendar


    Well synchronized organization and partners


    • Yearly Meeting Cycle


    • Specifying the collective meeting types and cadence of dGs yearly calendar after integrating feedback of relevant roles and partners
    • Publishing meeting calendar to all dG Partners in a timely manner once per year
    • Researching, pre-selecting, and contracting external facilitation (team-coaches, consultants or CTA facilitators) for dG's internal days; including documentation of agreed output
    • Collecting feedback from dG partners about external facilitation
    • Preparing internal days together with external facilitation by sharing relevant information
    • Designing a wholesome flow and agenda of Harbor Days and Council Days that integrates needs of individuals and the organization
    • Facilitating and hosting the overall Harbor Days ensuring continuity and cohesion
    • Communicating agenda of the Harbor Days in a timely manner
    • Triggering relevant roles to find suitable venues if internal days are not held in the harbor
    • Documenting relevant output and distributing minutes of Harbor Days and Council Days
  • Rep Link


    Innerhalb des Super-Kreises übernimmt der Rep Link den Purpose des Sub-Kreises; innerhalb des Sub-Kreises ist der Purpose des Rep Links: Spannungen, die relevant für die Verarbeitung im Super-Kreis sind, zu kanalisieren und aufzulösen.


    • Spannungen verstehen, welche von Rollenführern innerhalb des Kreises vermittelt werden
    • Spannungen erkennen, die geeignet sind, innerhalb des Super-Kreises zu verarbeiten
    • Spannungen innerhalb des Super-Kreises verarbeiten, um die Einschränkungen des Kreises zu beseitigen
  • X-Link People Context


    Individual Purpose Agents aligned with dG Purpose


    • Representing the dG Members in their capacity as individuals filling Roles, in relationship to each other as they work together in service of the Organizational Purpose