Purpose: Awesome and customer wowing cutting edge Next:Land programm
Purpose: Well energized and aligned Partners of the Organization and Members of the Association
  • Development Compass

    für Yusuf


    A personal development journey for dG members


    • Delivering the on boarding process (based on a guideline by Mentoring Calibration) for new members to self-organize in the dG world quickly
    • Supporting a new member to channel and process tensions on request
    • Organizing monthly Checkpoints with members to reflect on the match of organizational and individual needs
    • Coaching the person in focus (pro-) actively with regards to possible, recommendable, desired personnel development activities including purpose fit, individual challenges, resource steering and learning opportunities
    • Supporting a member to dance the act of balance that is needed to stay healthy and fulfill organizational needs.
    • Providing professional leadership to @Evo Cats around professional consulting work
    • Harvesting feedback from relevant roles to collect organizational view for Checkpoints
    • Providing tasks to member in focus which are of relevance for realizing dG's purpose and supporting the partner's personal development.
  • Welcome Steward

    für Yusuf Samet Albayrak


    Warm and smooth welcome of new members


    • Triggering relevant roles like Access to IT Tools, Website Manager, Newsletter Editor etc. to allow access of new member to dG software and infrastructure
    • Enabling a smooth welcome phase including pitching and informing relevant roles
    • Organizing a brief welcome session on the first internal day as core partner
    • Sparring for successful tension processing during first month, especially if @Development Compass is not yet assigned
Purpose: All internal functions of dG are cared for and running smoothly
  • Brand Network


    External brand resources are available, organized and transparent


    • Coordinating photo shootings for dG, e.g. portrait photo sessions for multiple partners or hiring photographers for internal days
    • Maintaining a list of brand investments including project status (active / finished / billed, etc.)
    • Regularly checking contracts with external providers, clarifying services and handling project finishes
    • Collecting references and recommendations of external resources and updating confluence page about trusted service providers for brand intiatives (photography, video, translations, text-editing...)
  • Corporate Design & Production


    Wowing Corporate Design & make it easy for dG members to stay on brand


    • Curation of the CI Toolbox


    • Acting as a design guide for the brand dG
    • Developing the visual appearance of the brand dG
    • Providing feedback on layouts for dG documents
    • Co-creating graphic designs together with dG partners
    • Creating designs for marketing materials
    • Onboarding of (new) dG members into how to co-create with @Corporate Design & Production & how to use the tools offered by this role in order to be (easily) on brand, when pitched by @Onboarding_Compass or dG members
    • Curating the CI Toolbox
    • Producing cost-efficient and beautiful dG brand and marketing materials, triggering @ProofReading for a final spell-check before production
    • Creating and maintaining dGs webshop, uploading new designs, sharing discounts internally
    • Manifesting the dG brand in our Harbor (suggestions for Interiour design, furniture, etc.)
  • Secretary


    Betreuung und Stabilisierung der formalen Aufzeichnungen des Kreises und des Protokoll-Prozesses.


    • Alle Governance-Aufzeichnungen des Kreises


    • Tactical-Meetings für den Kreis planen
    • Tactical Meeting Ergebnisse festlegen und veröffentlichen
    • Governance-Meetings für den Kreis planen
    • Erfassen und Veröffentlichen der Ergebnisse des Governance-Prozesses des Kreises
    • Interpretieren von Governance und Verfassung auf Anfrage
  • Website Coordinator

    für Primary focal point


    Awesome up-to-date website


    • Contracting external partners for technical development & iteration, hosting, etc.
    • Developing and maintaining the digital ecosystem of our website and necessary interfaces (e.g. tracking, tag manager, automation)
    • Publishing and updating web content both pro-actively as well as on trigger of or in co-creation with other roles
    • Processing bug reports and taking necessary actions, providing transparency on prioritities and status
    • Coordinating internal and external roles incl. regular syncs and prioritization, plus progress documentation