Purpose: Rewriting the future of organization - Catalyzing the evolution of wholesome organizations.
  • Focus Keeper


    dG moving like a flock of birds


    • Facilitating focus meetings (Prioritization, Planning, Stand-Up), providing the opportunity to reflect on focus and on progress of strategic initiatives
    • Answering questions of dG members about focus process and channeling feedback for the focus process
    • Setting up and maintaining a process to fund and prioritize initiatives
    • Anchoring processes and meeting formats in governance and publishing knowledge about focus process in the dG cookbook
    • Conducting retrospective meetings to reflect on and further develop effective ways of strategy execution
    • Establishing and maintaining a process that helps dG to execute its defined strategy
  • Strategic Alignment

    für Legal, Finance, HR processes


    dG has a clear and energizing strategic alignment, using all its resources most effectively towards dG's purpose, flow in our collaboration and positive impact in organizations


    • Creating and maintaining a strategizing process that clarifies strategic decision-making + guardrails as reference point for all GCC subcircles
    • Establishing a level of involvement, communication and feedback loops with the whole organization to strengthen commitment for dGs strategic directions
    • Developing and refining strategic clarity from the perspective of what’s good for dG and its environments (integrating the following perspectives: current and future partners, dG’s highest potential, favorite customer, mother earth’s calling, medium- and long-term)
    • Defining staff for Strategic Council Days to coordinate focus and design
    • Broken record: reminding dG again and again of the strategic decisions which have been made as well as the process to change those should strong tensions arise
    • Defining dG’s favorite customer & communicating within the organization
  • dG Backbone


    Lean and legally compliant finance processes and partner relations


    • Processing requests for legal advice and representing dG legally
    • Designing, administering and updating a flawless financial and accounting system with clearly defined processes in accordance with legal requirements
    • Providing monthly financial forecasting and impulses for steering dG's finances
    • Selecting, contracting, communicating and taking care of suppliers for accounting, finance, legal advisory, tax advisory
    • Organizing funding/sourcing if necessary for the organization
    • Advising other roles with regards to further development of dG setup
    • Providing a lean and future proof legal setup for healthy partner relations
Purpose: Populate next:land!
  • CGL Harvesting


    Everyone has access to the content of CGL Workshops – almost as if they had participated themselves


    • Hosting, filling, editing and curating Confluence pages to capture relevant content & learnings of CGL Workshop days
    • Organising and editing audio- & video-recordings of CGL Workshop Sessions into concise chunks
  • Chief Editor


    A concise and easy to work with dG approach library


    • Preparing and initiating fundamental decisions about the dG approach (such als product vision, meta structure and main elements of the library, integration of other approaches into the dg approach)
    • Developing the structure of our dG approach library
    • Providing feedback to @Creator whether produced content and materials are consistent with goals of our dG approach to use with our target group(s) (dwarfs, clients, leads)
    • Regularly inviting and considering feedback of relevant roles and channeling the feedback into the dg approach backlog
    • Maintaining an up tp date dg approach product backlog and metric sheets
    • Deciding on prioritization of backlog items and deciding on sprint goals
  • Firekeeper


    Setting the stage at campfire days for wholesome pow-wow, collective learning and fruitful collaboration


    • Agenda of campfire days


    • Designing the overall agenda of campfire days after listening to the needs and ideas of relevant roles
    • Taking care of a beneficial framework.
    • Documenting relevant output and distributing minutes
    • Triggering searching for and booking venues @VenueSteward
    • Preparing a stage for Creator Teams to present prototypes and results, receiving feedback and coordinating their work
  • Pacemaker


    A well synchronized interplay


    • Coordinating all authoring activities with @Firekeeper, @dG_development_space, @council_chief and @dG Backbone
    • Orchestrating regular outputs to be shared within dG and potential other feedback providers
    • Forecasting, reviewing and communicating progress of the dG approach
    • Establishing and maintaining a flow board for the "dG approach"
    • Scheduling and facilitating sprint events for the dG approach and inviting stakeholders
    • Briefing @Corporate Design & Production
    • Scheduling work sessions with Evocats for the dG approach
  • Pipeline Organizer


    Lean and clear project tracking


    • Triggering and coaching relevant roles within the circle to use provided process and tools
    • Providing processes and guidelines for the use of productivity tools such as Odoo and Glassfrog to enable efficient management of the client project pipeline and other projects of the circle
    • Answering questions of circle members about the respective guidelines
    • Integrating needs of other roles into the processes and guidelines upon request
  • Quarterback


    Relaxed quarterly closings


    • Es sind keine Accountabilities für diese Rolle definiert.
Purpose: Lean and legally compliant finance processes and partner relations
  • Controller


    financial steering and liquid (€) organization


    • Calculating and updating profit distribution based on according algorithm set by @Profit Distribution Architect
    • Withholding the payment of an appropriate amount of D-units to ensure a sustainable cash-flow of the organization
    • Processing individual partners' requests for upfront payment of d-units considering current liquidity and forecast of dG revenues.
    • Providing transparency for unit transactions for all partners.
    • Providing a budget and forecasts on a regular base (at least quarterly) to provide information about the financial situation to all core partners of dG
    • Monitoring cash-flow and communicate steering needs with @General Company Circle
    • Defining needs for and structure of analytic accounts and informing @Basic Financial Bee
    • Collecting, evaluating and prioritizing measures for cost savings
    • Triggering double check (amount and effect on liquidity) using the 4-eyes principle with other role fillers before payment of Units to partners
    • Checking calculations of profit distribution using the 4-eyes principle with other role fillers at least annually
  • Kreis Lead


    Lean and legally compliant finance processes and partner relations


    • Es sind keine Accountabilities für diese Rolle definiert.
  • Legal Affairs


    clarity on legal affairs


    • collecting and processing requests for legal advice with suitable lawyers
    • informing circle members in time about status quo of all open legal advice requests
    • monitoring operational and governance decisions whether written consent from all partners is needed (cf. operating agreement), triggering circular resolutions if needed
  • Odoo'ler


    Implementing and Maintaining Odoo as Company ERP System in the organization


    • Providing Material and Information about the ERP Program Odoo
    • Providing In-House Training for in Odoo registered Partners of the company
    • Collecting feedback from all in Odoo registered Partners for improving the usability of the Software
    • Communicating and mandating the external partner with programming tasks considering the spending policy in place
    • Testing and implementing new features of the software
    • Implementing new company processes provided by the respective role in the software
    • Helping all in Odoo registered Partners as First and if possible Second Level Support
    • Collecting all problems that need 3rd level Support and forwarding it to the external partner
  • Operating Agreement Updater


    A lean and transparent legal setup for dG’s self-organization


    • Operating Agreement


    • Maintaining and updating dGs Operating Agreement (Gesellschaftsverträge, Syndikatsvertrag und Beitrittserklärungen)
    • Informing all members of dG about planned changes of the operation agreement
    • Integrating feedback from other roles and partners before publishing new documents
    • Triggering the decision making process in the relevant circle and context before publishing new versions of the operating agreement
    • Coordinating new versions of the operating agreement with external legal agents
    • Publishing new versions of any foundational agreement (GmbH, GmbH & Co KG, Syndication Agreement, Membership Agreement) to all members
    • Securing signatures from all Members as needed when agreement updates are published
  • People Operations Circle


    Well energized and aligned Partners of the Organization and Members of the Association


    • Association Member Relationships
    • Enterprise Meet-ups
    • Partner Relationships


    • Aligning the needs of the People Context with the needs of the Organization
    • Implementing and evolving processes to monitor and enhance Fit-for-Enterprise for all Partners
    • Assessing and granting Membership to the Company, Organization and Association
    • Onboarding new Members into the Organization and Association
    • Scheduling Enterprise Meet-ups that optimize resource allocation (Membership Units, Focus Time, Travel and Venue Costs) while maximizing Member attendance, role working opportunities and Association interaction.
    • Coordinating an annual planning for long-term trainings (> 5 days) of all partners and processing a spending pitch for this annual investment according to the spending our gold policy
  • Quarterback


    Relaxed quarterly closings


    • Establishing and regularly updating an explicit process for completing quarterly closings (in governance and/or cookbook)
    • Collecting feedback from relevant roles (in CFC & SmOps) to improve the process
    • Keeping an overview about fulfillment of tasks as listed in process description
    • Actively involving relevant roles by informing about process steps, progress, required actions and dependencies
    • Coordinating meetings and working time with relevant roles to establish visibility re necessary steps and time management and to do the actual work
    • Triggering project admins issuing customer invoices on a monthly base
  • Secretary


    Betreuung und Stabilisierung der formalen Aufzeichnungen des Kreises und des Protokoll-Prozesses.


    • Alle Governance-Aufzeichnungen des Kreises


    • Tactical-Meetings für den Kreis planen
    • Tactical Meeting Ergebnisse festlegen und veröffentlichen
    • Governance-Meetings für den Kreis planen
    • Erfassen und Veröffentlichen der Ergebnisse des Governance-Prozesses des Kreises
    • Interpretieren von Governance und Verfassung auf Anfrage
Purpose: dG Expertise broadly accessible without direct interaction
  • BM2 Marketer


    Easy access to our online courses


    • Setting up experiments to figure out which marketing channels are most useful in marketing scalable products
    • Selecting the channels that deliver the best outcomes
    • Setting up a content strategy for the marketing of scalable products and harmonizing it with the overall brand strategy of dwarfs and Giants
  • BM2 Number Cruncher


    A financially healthy product ecosystem


    • Setting up metrics to monitor the progress and business success of scalable products
    • Defining the relevant data interfaces, tools and specifications together with relevant roles like @digital infrastructure and @Website Coordinator to gather the necessary data
    • Forecasting and publishing the revenue and work load generated by scalable products in the upcoming 3-6 months
    • Developing and maintaining a “good enough” P&L Calculation for BM2, incl. revenues, direct costs and opportunity costs
Purpose: Well energized and aligned Partners of the Organization and Members of the Association
  • Kreis Lead


    Well energized and aligned Partners of the Organization and Members of the Association


    • Es sind keine Accountabilities für diese Rolle definiert.
  • Membership Steward

    für Employees


    Accurate, fair and legally correct relations of individuals with the organization.


    • contracts regarding membership agreements
    • Salaries for job advertisements


    • Contracting, updating, filling in and archieving all relevant data regarding core-partner status (Beitrittserklärung, Arbeitsverträge, Zeitaufzeichnungen, Krankschreibungen,...)
    • Calling in Tier Assignment Committee on request of any organization member.
    • Serving on the Tier Assignment Committee and People and Partner Committee if required and to the extent defined by GC policy
    • Taking all actions necessary to comply with dG's legal duties as an employer and executing all needed formalities as an interface between dG and employees
    • Participating in interviews of potential partners (after first interview round).
    • Maintaining a list of Tier levels of all limited partners and employee equivalent (according to total gross annual remuneration) and providing Finance with updates in case of changes.
    • Maintaining a list of current postal addresses of all core partners.
    • Organizing applications to update the company register (Eintragungsgesuch ins Firmenbuch) when partners join or leave dG with the notary and members of dg. Filing necessary documents in a way that is accessible to other role fillers (e.g. @General Company Circle, @Controller, @Profit_Distribution_Architect).
    • Setting up agreements regarding part-time leaves (Sabbatical)
    • Designing and evolving dG's salary model as part of dG's membership agreements
    • Administering salary payments including regular check for changes in the newest collective agreement
  • Pulse Generator


    Well synchronized organization and partners


    • Yearly Meeting Cycle


    • Specifying the collective meeting types and cadence of dGs yearly calendar after integrating feedback of relevant roles and partners
    • Publishing meeting calendar to all dG Partners in a timely manner once per year
    • Researching, pre-selecting, and contracting external facilitation (team-coaches, consultants or CTA facilitators) for dG's internal days; including documentation of agreed output
    • Collecting feedback from dG partners about external facilitation
    • Preparing internal days together with external facilitation by sharing relevant information
    • Designing a wholesome flow and agenda of Harbor Days and Council Days that integrates needs of individuals and the organization
    • Facilitating and hosting the overall Harbor Days ensuring continuity and cohesion
    • Communicating agenda of the Harbor Days in a timely manner
    • Triggering relevant roles to find suitable venues if internal days are not held in the harbor
    • Documenting relevant output and distributing minutes of Harbor Days and Council Days
  • Secretary


    Betreuung und Stabilisierung der formalen Aufzeichnungen des Kreises und des Protokoll-Prozesses.


    • Alle Governance-Aufzeichnungen des Kreises


    • Tactical-Meetings für den Kreis planen
    • Tactical Meeting Ergebnisse festlegen und veröffentlichen
    • Governance-Meetings für den Kreis planen
    • Erfassen und Veröffentlichen der Ergebnisse des Governance-Prozesses des Kreises
    • Interpretieren von Governance und Verfassung auf Anfrage