Purpose: Rewriting the future of organization - Catalyzing the evolution of wholesome organizations.
  • Scalable Products


    dG Expertise broadly accessible without direct interaction


    • Building, marketing and selling high-value & high-impact online products based on in-depth understanding of dG expertise and the needs of dGs favorite customers
    • Continuously developing a „state of the art“ understanding of online marketing and using it to reach dG’s favorite customers
    • Conducting in-depth interviews with customers and @Evolutionary Catalyst or other relevant roles to ever deeper understand customer needs and dG's approach & expertise
  • Secretary


    Betreuung und Stabilisierung der formalen Aufzeichnungen des Kreises und des Protokoll-Prozesses.


    • Alle Governance-Aufzeichnungen des Kreises


    • Tactical-Meetings für den Kreis planen
    • Tactical Meeting Ergebnisse festlegen und veröffentlichen
    • Governance-Meetings für den Kreis planen
    • Erfassen und Veröffentlichen der Ergebnisse des Governance-Prozesses des Kreises
    • Interpretieren von Governance und Verfassung auf Anfrage
  • Strategic Alignment

    für BM2


    dG has a clear and energizing strategic alignment, using all its resources most effectively towards dG's purpose, flow in our collaboration and positive impact in organizations


    • Creating and maintaining a strategizing process that clarifies strategic decision-making + guardrails as reference point for all GCC subcircles
    • Establishing a level of involvement, communication and feedback loops with the whole organization to strengthen commitment for dGs strategic directions
    • Developing and refining strategic clarity from the perspective of what’s good for dG and its environments (integrating the following perspectives: current and future partners, dG’s highest potential, favorite customer, mother earth’s calling, medium- and long-term)
    • Defining staff for Strategic Council Days to coordinate focus and design
    • Broken record: reminding dG again and again of the strategic decisions which have been made as well as the process to change those should strong tensions arise
    • Defining dG’s favorite customer & communicating within the organization
Purpose: Populate next:land!
  • CTA development and delivery


    All members of organizations resolve their conflicts and personal tensions in a timely manner, trust that they are heard and understood and find solutions that work for all involved.


    • Pricing and Discounts of CTA Activities
  • Creative Spark

    für CTA implementation


    Opportunities turned into projects for dG


    • Engaging in initial client dialogues together with and in support of other EvoCats
    • Crafting approaches for supporting EvoCats in taking the lead position asap in the Process
    • Creating on the job learning opportunities re acquisition work
  • Ecosystem Partner Relais

    für Jones, Nayoma


    A lively and mutually beneficial relationship between dG and ecosystem partners


    • Scheduling regular talks (at least once a year) w/ respective ecosystem partner to evaluate relation and potential
    • Acting as Rep link for respective ecosystem partner, for tensions concerning the partnership
    • Granting discounts for a specific public training to respective ecosystem partner after integrating feedback of @Pricing Strategy and the role organizing the event
    • Processing tensions of dG as an organization with the respective partner
    • Inviting and removing respective partner to and from relevant slack channels as determined in ecosystem partnership
    • Pitching relevant roles to publish and remove a website profile of ecosystem partner when beneficial to client projects
    • Inviting and removing ecosystem partner to and from relevant staff folders on g-drive
    • Deciding about when to start and end an ecosystem partnership
    • Pitching relevant role to provide a dG email address if beneficial to client projects
  • dG Approach Topic Owner

    für CTA


    Inspiring training and consulting materials


    • Maximizing the customer value of our services by collecting and channeling user feedback (of @Evolutionary Catalyst and clients)
    • Developing, maintaining and communicating a vision for the topic in focus
    • Monitoring and communicating the profitability of topic related activities
    • Maintaining an up to date development backlog in collaboration with @Chief Editor
    • Initializing revision processes regularly for respective topics and confluence sites and pitching corresponding projects to @Chief Editor
    • Onboarding new dG members to the topic and the documentation on confluence
    • Refining and sharing dG experience and other relevant aspects for content inputs to @Content Strategy & Creation  (text/pics/slides etc. for LinkedIn posts, website blogposts,; webinars etc.)
    • Deciding on event landscape & sales funnel – from small intro webinar to year-long program – for the respective topic, integrating objections from @Brand Identity and their topic collaborators
    • [If there’s disagreement around who should staff which event:] Making the final decision on delivery staff for events.
Purpose: Transformative trainings that transmit Holacracy and dG's approach towards structured organisational frameworks and catalyze the capacities it requires.
  • soulOS Development


    A scalable 4-spaces way for reliably getting to next:land


    • Es sind keine Accountabilities für diese Rolle definiert.
Purpose: dG Expertise broadly accessible without direct interaction
  • BM2 Marketer


    Easy access to our online courses


    • Setting up experiments to figure out which marketing channels are most useful in marketing scalable products
    • Selecting the channels that deliver the best outcomes
    • Setting up a content strategy for the marketing of scalable products and harmonizing it with the overall brand strategy of dwarfs and Giants
  • Content Factory


    Exciting scalable content


    • Drafting, writing scripts
    • Creating or bringing in visuals (slides, pictures, videos, music) to support content/message
    • Gathering feedback on content and form, and using this information for improving the product
  • Customer Service


    Well maintained customer relations


    • Assembling and mailing material (e.g. online course packages) to online course subscribers
    • Answering questions regarding our online courses to customers
    • Developing the online course subscriber community by launching engaging activities (e.g. sending out e-mails, posting in our user forum)
    • Publishing FAQs about our online courses and regularly updating the list
    • Collecting and compiling feedback from all customer interactions and channeling it to the responsible product development roles regularly
  • Digital Infrastructure for Online Courses


    An easy to use and cost efficient software environment for our online courses


    • Choosing and maintaining our delivery platform for our online courses
    • Setting up payment & reporting infrastructure that meet customer needs and work well with internal reporting and accounting as well as marketing / CRM needs
    • Delivering relevant information about processed data to @dG Backbone
  • Kreis Lead


    dG Expertise broadly accessible without direct interaction


    • Es sind keine Accountabilities für diese Rolle definiert.
  • Scalable Product Owner


    High quality scalable products


    • Creating and maintaining a transparent document that tracks all the tests and experiments currently running
    • Creating and updating elegant structures for client feedback
    • Deciding on testing and evaluation focus (incl. customer focus and scope)
    • Sharing status quo & developments of SP work with relevant roles in dG, gathering recommendations and potential objections – for better quality and acceptance of our products
    • Maximizing the customer value of our products by collecting and channeling user feedback into backlog items (of dG members, customers and other stakeholders)
    • Developing, maintaining and communicating a product vision for the respective product
    • Monitoring and communicating the profitability of the product in collaboration with other relevant roles
    • Maintaining an up to date product backlog
  • Testing Team Shepherd


    Nicht spezifiziert


    • Supporting testing teams in their journey through the course from set-up to reflection after completion
    • Gathering feedback and answering questions based on structure provided by Client Testing & Evaluation Strategy
    • Acquiring and choosing the teams to conduct the tests
  • Tin Can Pricer


    Sustainable scalable products


    • Scanning the market for comparable products and offers, especially regarding pricing
    • Publishing pricing structure and discount options for scalable products - to be offered to dG clients as well as to other potential buyers - after gathering the perspective of @Pricing Strategy and @Engagement Lead
Purpose: All members of organizations resolve their conflicts and personal tensions in a timely manner, trust that they are heard and understood and find solutions that work for all involved.
  • CTA Business Development


    Healthy and impactful unfolding of the CTA approach in the world and inside of dG


    • Creating, communicating and continuously evolving the long-term strategy regarding CTA activities
    • Creating new exciting offers based on market feedback and our own ideas
    • Orchestrating resources to best fit market and client needs, incl. skill & capacity building of @Evolutionary Catalyst and external @CTA Facilitator
    • Making sure that the CTA activities of the circle are at least at break even each year
  • CTA Engagement Lead

    für V


    Awesome coordination of CTA consulting projects towards next:land


    • Contacting current leads (=potential clients) on request by @Staffing Sparring
    • Developing cutting-edge proposals (incl. pricing in accordance with @Pricing_Strategy) upon request of a customer.
    • Selecting suitable Evolutionary Catalyst or Project Partners for client projects after integrating feedback of @Staffing Sparring
    • Contracting with the clients on an ongoing basis to align expectations & logistics and adjust agreements as engagement needs evolve, saving related documents/emails projects
    • Scheduling and facilitating regular staff meetings 1) for mutual updating of project-relevant information in the particular project staff and 2) for developing/improving the quality of the consulting strategy/work in a particular consulting project 3) for learning purposes & know-how transfer
    • Storing relevant project documents and emails directly on dG Google drive preferably in Google-doc format under the respective project folder
    • Providing relevant odoo data to Project Backbone (Accounts, Projects, Sales Order Information)
    • Making agreements regarding the daily rate with involved project partners - taking into account the current Ecosystem Partnership Framework - and integration of feedback from Pricing Strategy, if required.
  • CTA Facilitator Pool


    Enough CTA delivery resources available to sustainably meet all client needs


    • Building and maintaining a pool of CTA facilitators who are ready to rumble
    • Adapting agreed fees for facilitators
    • Giving recommendations for staffing of public trainings after request by @Undefined_Role
  • CTA Umbrella Organisation


    CTA is alive and spreading with and beyond dG


    • Meeting regularly with other CTA trainers, exchanging good practice and clarifying cross-organizational questions
    • Sharing relevant updates with the circle
    • Taking care of the needs of dG and taking care of the needs of the umbrella organization and finding strategies that work for both
  • Kreis Lead


    All members of organizations resolve their conflicts and personal tensions in a timely manner, trust that they are heard and understood and find solutions that work for all involved.


    • Es sind keine Accountabilities für diese Rolle definiert.
  • Scalable Products

    von GCC


    dG Expertise broadly accessible without direct interaction


    • Es sind keine Accountabilities für diese Rolle definiert.
  • Secretary


    Betreuung und Stabilisierung der formalen Aufzeichnungen des Kreises und des Protokoll-Prozesses.


    • Alle Governance-Aufzeichnungen des Kreises


    • Tactical-Meetings für den Kreis planen
    • Tactical Meeting Ergebnisse festlegen und veröffentlichen
    • Governance-Meetings für den Kreis planen
    • Erfassen und Veröffentlichen der Ergebnisse des Governance-Prozesses des Kreises
    • Interpretieren von Governance und Verfassung auf Anfrage
  • WTF is CTA?


    A clear set of practices that deeply transforms culture at dG and in client organisations towards more trust, honesty, care and quick resolution of personal & tribal tensions


    • Defining & publishing standards and skill-levels for the Clear the Air approach, continuously developing it by integrating learning from „the field“
    • On request: Giving partners feedback on their CTA skill level
Purpose: Well energized and aligned Partners of the Organization and Members of the Association
  • CTA Mediator / Facilitator


    The enlightened state after interpersonal conflicts are solved in a wholesome way, contributing to the personal growth of all


    • Facilitating “Townhall” and “Clear the Air” Meetings
    • Mediating conflicts on request by partners
    • Providing partners with non-judgemental and growth-oriented feedback on conflict behavior - either on request by respective partner or on own initiative
  • GTD Coach

    für Asana


    People are supported in building GTD Skills


    • Offering coaching to partners
  • Holacracy Competencies Buddy

    für Eva


    Easy and smooth competence build up for holacracy newbies


    • supporting Holacracy newbies in focus in building up Holacracy knowledge and abilities in a short time
    • scheduling regular sessions to support tensions harvesting, channeling of tensions, crafting of proposals and to answer questions related to Holacracy for Holacracy newbies
Purpose: All internal functions of dG are cared for and running smoothly
  • Brand Identity


    Consistent, cohesive expressions of the brand dG that resonate with our members and engage our favourite customers


    • Co-creating and iterating the dG Styleguide with @Corporate Design & Production and communicating guidelines to help dG members stay on brand
    • Acting as sparring partner for brand-related initiatives like @General Company Circle or brand projects
    • Defining tonality and brand voice to engage favourite customers
    • Create fundamental content items that describe the very core of dG and its purpose
  • Speaker

    für CTA / SoulOS


    Spreading dG's purpose through inspiring talks


    • Holding inspiring speeches that share dG insights and strengthen the brand of dG
    • Informing circle ahead of time about upcoming event participations worth spreading by posting event & date on #tealevents Slack channel, triggering @Content Strategy & Creation to publish date on dG channels and sharing live pictures/updates from the event itself (if possible)
  • Story Writer


    Codifying dG experience and practice into inspiring publications


    • Writing publications, blog posts to share dGs experience and practice in expressing our purpose
    • Publishing content on individual channel (e.g. LinkedIn Blog, Medium Account) or triggering @Website Coordinator to publish content on dG website
    • Sending link(s) to @Content Strategy & Creation in order to disseminate content on dG public channels, regardless of platform (individual or dG)