Purpose: Rewriting the future of organization - Catalyzing the evolution of wholesome organizations.
  • Rep Link


    Innerhalb des Super-Kreises übernimmt der Rep Link den Purpose des Sub-Kreises; innerhalb des Sub-Kreises ist der Purpose des Rep Links: Spannungen, die relevant für die Verarbeitung im Super-Kreis sind, zu kanalisieren und aufzulösen.


    • Spannungen verstehen, welche von Rollenführern innerhalb des Kreises vermittelt werden
    • Spannungen erkennen, die geeignet sind, innerhalb des Super-Kreises zu verarbeiten
    • Spannungen innerhalb des Super-Kreises verarbeiten, um die Einschränkungen des Kreises zu beseitigen
Purpose: Lean and legally compliant finance processes and partner relations
  • Basic Financial Bee


    Well managed and up to date expenses and invoices


    • Approval of invoices, bills, and expenses


    • Reconciling bank statements once a week
    • Introducing all new partners to dGs invoicing and expense billing processes
    • Tracking all financial transactions via the double entry book keeping method
    • Preparing timely bank transfers (e.g. VAT, wage labor costs, wages, incoming invoices)
    • Preparing payments for project partners after payment of associated invoice by the customer
    • Supporting other roles in resolving non-standard difficulties with payment providers or bank
    • Collecting invoices for accruals and deferrals for yearly closings
    • Checking and approving invoices, bills, and expenses submitted to odoo regarding correct account ledger and correct current tax provisions as soon as practical or latest necessary for fiscal timelines
    • Informing a partner when s/he made spendings that were not in accordance with the "Spending Our Gold"-Policy and ask them to post the spendings in the channel for transparency
    • Informing the relevant circle lead about spendings that are not in accordance with the "Spending our Gold"-Policy
    • Issuing invoices for educational costs for core-partners (eg. Educational Costs, Telephone)
    • Billing participants of public events based on the information by respective event role
    • Collecting all expenses and bills (as pdf scan and paper)
    • Clarifying questions with the role @Book-Keeper
    • Informing core-, and project partners if policies or guidelines have changed
    • Defining submission guidelines for expenses and bills according to the needs of the organization
    • Entering all necessary information into odoo and submitting expenses for approval
    • Clarifying upcoming questions with the origin of the expense
    • Checking relevant e-mail accounts regularly, at least twice a week
    • Reconciling monthly credit card statements when provided by bank
    • Reminding credit card holders to hand in missing expenses until a provided deadline, otherwise the expenses will be booked on the appropriate clearing account
    • Making monthly credit card statements available on Google Drive and informing core partners about it
    • Making monthly mobile phone bills available on Google Drive and informing core partners about it
    • Checking whether bills and expenses correspond to the current tax provisions and ask for correction via the person which booked the expense or the supplier
    • Accepting only receipts according to Expense Submission Guidance https://dwarfsandgiants.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SO/pages/13795476/Expense+Submission+Guidance+for+Core+Partners
    • Organizing credit cards for dG members
    • Adding and posting monthly payroll bookings to odoo on the basis of data provided by external tax consultant
  • Facilitator


    Kreis-Governance und operative Praktiken im Einklang mit der Verfassung


    • Die Tactical Meetings des Kreises moderieren
    • Den Governance Prozess des Kreises moderieren
    • Neuwahlen auslösen für die gewählten Rollen des Kreises, nach Ablauf jeder Wahlperiode
    • Überprüfen der Meetings und Aufzeichnungen der Sub-Kreise nach Bedarf und Erklären eines Prozessversagens, nachdem ein Verhaltensmuster erkannt wurde, das den Regeln der Verfassung widerspricht
  • Rep Link

    zu GCC


    Innerhalb des Super-Kreises übernimmt der Rep Link den Purpose des Sub-Kreises; innerhalb des Sub-Kreises ist der Purpose des Rep Links: Spannungen, die relevant für die Verarbeitung im Super-Kreis sind, zu kanalisieren und aufzulösen.


    • Spannungen verstehen, welche von Rollenführern innerhalb des Kreises vermittelt werden
    • Spannungen erkennen, die geeignet sind, innerhalb des Super-Kreises zu verarbeiten
    • Spannungen innerhalb des Super-Kreises verarbeiten, um die Einschränkungen des Kreises zu beseitigen